Thursday, 20 November 2014

Public speaking - the Achilles' heel of physicists the world over.

Today I gave my first lecture. For an entire sixty minutes I was let loose on a group of unsuspecting students; free to rant, preach, brainwash, misinform, choreograph a flash mob, set up a Gospel Choir, whip out my Ouija board for an epic round of spirit connecting....the possibilities were endless. Although I'm not being entirely serious here, I will not deny that the desire to conduct a grief counselling session following Casey Braxton's passing instead of my prepared material was strong. The power was mine.

I walked into the seminar room before the students arrived to scope out the scene and was delighted to find that it was carpeted in red. Chance? No, they must have known I was coming. I was to speak from a raised platform, behind an Obama style wooden podium. I was given a laser pointer and a long wooden stick (presumably intended for highlighting parts of my slideshow and not for maintaining an obedient atmosphere). I had a floppy disk backup version of my presentation prepared, just in case, but was shocked to find that the computer provided was built circa 2002. The operating system was Windows XP - what a treat! My video clip played directly from PowerPoint by just clicking on it. I was apparently being saved the generally obligatory three minute digression where every .avi file known to man must be opened before the correct six second clip is located (What? How did you do that Clare?! I know, amazing right?). 

Impressed with the set-up and generally happy that I knew what I was going to say, that my slideshow was suitably hilarious and that no matter what questions I was asked I had a sufficient number of impacting but vague one liners stored away, I knew I was ready. I popped along to the staff room to grab a quick coffee so that I would be in top form for my Sermon. I was a little annoyed that I wasn't looking particularly sharp, due to an unfortunate mishap involving last years woolen Christmas jumper and my black work trousers and cardigan. I tried to resolve said situation with an industrial sized lint brush, but to no avail. Still though, instead of cruising in like Anna Wintour and instigating world domination, I hoped the slightly furry look would endear my audience and present a warm and open environment. There's always an angle.

I looked at my watch. Ten minutes to go. What a lovely day out there! I see blue sky. Might go for a run after work. Nine minutes. Oh, I've left over lasagna tonight. Nice one. Gosh, it's a little warm in here. Eight minutes. My my this coffee is certainly getting the job done. My heart rate! Seven minutes. I wonder if this is what Eminem feels like before a gig? Six minutes. Oh my God. I can't remember my cracking opening line. Five minutes. Seriously....what was it? It was golden, a total crowd pleaser. Four minutes. WHY DIDN'T I MAKE FLASH CARDS? Three minutes. I think there's a drop of the good stuff in my desk somewhere. Two minutes. Do I spell Clare with or without the 'i'? Clare definitely is my name. Right? Oh God. One minute. Does anyone know what would happen if one were to snort a sachet of lemsip? 

I entered the seminar room and was hit immediately by a wave of heat - that stuffy heat you get when a load of bodies are crammed into a smallish room. It was like a Fine Gael rally back in the day (2011 to be exact). Everyone was laughing and chatting with their friends. I power walked to the window, Killinaskully style, and made a decent attempt at opening it. It wasn't in a particularly compliant mood. I didn't know if it was a 'brute force' model or one of the 'fiddle with it a bit' types. I had been defeated by the window even though I knew all about the law of the lever. It was not a good day in the world of applied physics. By turning back to face the class, I knew I would be acknowledging my defeat. Should I just slut drop to distract them? No that won't end well Clare, you've already burst one pair of pants this year trying to follow a youtube video on sumo squats.

I caught the eye of one of the girls in the back row. Oh I know her? She looks so familiar. Does she go to my gym? Oh no wait, I think I've seen her in my local Tescos. Maybe she has a par-time job there? OH NO WAIT! Was I slamming jagerbombs with her last weekend? This is an unholy disaster.

I eventually made it to the podium and stammered through my introduction. The opener did come back to me, if you're asking! It took about fifteen minutes, but my voice did stop shaking. Half an hour in and my hands were dry enough again to pick up the laser pointer without electrocuting myself. I may have gone to far with the laser actually, it was like a David Guetta video in there by the forty-five minute mark. I think I managed to convey my message adequately. Well I double checked at the end and the guy I thought was crying actually looked like the type that would have moderate to severe allergies. So I'm assuming it went okay overall. I described my experience to a colleague afterwards and was told that 'practise makes perfect.' That's all well and good but is there a way of practicing without coming close to spontaneous combustion?

Disclaimer - by 'physicists the world over', I actually just mean me...and a bunch of guys that live under the ground in Switzerland. Go team.

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